Safe Transitions and Piper & Skye: A Sisterhood of Impact, Founded by Joanna MacDonald
In a heartwarming testament to the power of entrepreneurship with a purpose, Safe Transitions and Piper & Skye would like to reintroduce our affiliation as sister companies, united by a shared commitment to making a difference in the lives of those in need and fostering sustainable, responsible business practices.
Both companies were created by our founder, Joanna MacDonald, who continues to be the driving force behind our shared mission.
Born from Joanna's vision in 2020, Safe Transitions emerged out of the critical need to support overcrowded shelters in the GTA. This not-for-profit is dedicated to assisting women and children in their journey from shelter living to the security of their own homes.

Since first launching its pilot program in 2020, Safe Transitions has helped ten multi-barriered survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking, and their children, attain the skills, confidence, and knowledge needed to successfully rebuild their lives and achieve a life free from violence and oppression.

Of these clients, 88% were racialized; 50% were youth; 38% were survivors of human trafficking and 62% were survivors of domestic violence.
Of the eight women who have completed their one-year term, five (83%) entered the workforce during their transitional period and 100% acquired job readiness skills by enrolling in a variety of programs.

Of the eight women who have completed their one-year term, five (83%) have successfully secured their own housing. This post-program housing rate represents a significant improvement over comparable shelter housing rates.
These numbers may seem small but we are proud to recognize Safe Transitions as a grassroots and independently funded organization. We believe that our 12 month program is critical to the success of our clients, in order to give them the space and time to get back on their feet.
Recognizing the extra vulnerability of survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking, Safe Transitions plays a pivotal role in connecting shelters with compassionate landlords who offer these women secure housing solutions. During their 12-month term, Safe Transitions’ clients have access to a comprehensive suite of wraparound supports, including subsidized housing, mental health counselling, employment and skills training, life coaching, financial literacy, and other supports provided by partner organizations and Safe Transitions’ network of dedicated volunteers.
Piper & Skye, founded by the same visionary entrepreneur, is actively involved in funding Safe Transitions as part of its commitment to social and environmental responsibility.
The union of Safe Transitions and Piper & Skye marks a profound commitment to social and environmental responsibility. As a collective force, these sister companies are dedicated to caring for the communities integral to their operations, supporting local shelters, and nurturing cherished supply chains and partners. Piper & Skye's tagline, "we love what we're made of," encapsulates the essence of their shared values.