Wild American Alligator
(One of the world's most trusted luxury leathers)
Ethically sourced and tanned in the USA, our luxury Wild American Alligator handbags support circularity initiatives and conservation efforts.
Ethically Sourced
Piper & Skye’s alligator leather is proudly sourced and tanned in the USA. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife & Fisheries (LDWF) has fine-tuned a scientific management program to maintain a healthy and stable alligator population while creating a sustainable and certified industry in Louisiana. Each registrant must prove compliance with science-based animal welfare standards.
Tagged & Traced for
Ultimate Transparency
Conservation & Circularity
All fees collected by CITES tags are re-invested in alligator sustainability management programs, population control, education, and conservation efforts to ensure the health and stability of the population. Together, these efforts and initiatives contribute to improving the biodiversity of this ecosystem.
How We Select Our Materials
Piper & Skye embodies the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources within its stringent Material Selection Criteria. We work with our suppliers to ensure that management of the species is overseen by a governing body, which seeks to ensure the healthy and thriving biodiverse ecosystem in which the species lives. Our objective has always been to design luxury handbags that have the smallest possible environmental impact. The first step in this journey is the careful selection of materials that satisfy our material selection criteria. For example, using pirarucu which is a byproduct of a natural food source, makes more efficient use of the whole fish while simultaneously ensuring that the skins do not end up in a landfill or being burned. The following are the items we require in order to proceed with a certain raw material.
The species must meet at least one of the following criteria:
- Be used as a food source somewhere in the world.
- Be in over-population in its natural habitat.
- Be considered an invasive species.
The skins and leathers would be considered a waste product (headed for a landfill) unless passed-on to designers and artisans who create beautiful handbags and accessories with them.
Management of the species is overseen by a governing body (CITES, Fish and Wildlife Licensing, etc.) which seeks to ensure the healthy and thriving ecosystem in which the species lives.
There is no undue suffering in any form during theprocess of culling, fishing, or otherwise. We abide by theFive Freedoms originally defined by the UK’s FarmAnimal Welfare Council.
Select only suppliers that align with our goals to reduce hazardous and toxic chemicals used in the tanning,dying, and manufacturing processes.